A little catching up

In order to avoid the ” Dear Diary, I don’t know where to begin” blog post when I start actually scheduling in blogging time (soon) I want to post a really quick catch up. And by quick I mean in the 4,3 minutes I have before someone needs me. Please excuse al errors. This is a fast one folks.

SO without Further ado :

Princess turned 7.

Yes 7. She is quickly working her way toward the scary teenage years. It’s happening fast. She is LOVING school this year and is becoming a pro at reading, math (her fave) and who knew!?! We have a pretty talented artist on our hands. She DID NOT get that or her coordination and dancing ability from me.  She is in a word amazing. She reads to her sister, builds lego stuff for her brother, and even is learning how to clean the bathroom…. YES, ladies and gentlemen, child labor. AND she LOVES it. She loves being responsible and showing us what she can do all alone. She loves being in charge and helping out with Big girl time almost as much as ballet. She is a beautiful, talented dancer and constantly floors me with her determination. She may be a perfectionist …

No idea where she got it from 😉

Little man… What can I say at almost 4, he is a constant bundle of energy and imagination. He is always trying to take something apart or tie something together to turn it into something else. Halfway through his first year of preschool and he has surprised us all with how much he has learned and grown. At the beginning of this year we honestly were not sure if he was ready for such a big commitment. BUT he has THRIVED and gone way beyond our expectations. All of a sudden he is becoming my little tag along and really likes to come help out with grocery shopping, or snuggle down to read stories or watch movies with me. He has started asking big questions too. He’s gonna be a force to reckon with some day ladies. And if I have my way about it he will also be the most well-mannered guy you’ve ever met 😉 He is well on his way. He likes to hold doors open for his friends – especially little girls, and most of the time has better manners than the rest of us do.

All I can say is nobody better hurt his sisters because this little guy is gonna be their bodyguard.


And Baby Cricket…I suppose I can’t call her that anymore…

is a full fledged toddler: into everything ( the first of 3 that I have had to baby proof for) she runs everywhere and climbs to get what she wants, she is  definitely a girl with all her chattiness. I’m not sure she ever stops talking and expressing her opinion (which she can be pretty uhhhh loud opininated  sure about. among her favorites are “come right now” Sissy, play with me” I am hungry” and “Brother come stop coming me” (we aren’t sure what she’s trying for with that one but her poor brother gets yelled at no matter whether he comes or not anyway.) and lately it’s all about Finding Nemo and “Mouse” ( Mickey Mouse videos on YouTube) and Dancing to “MOOSICS” Se likes “doodoos (noodles) and cheese” “toast” and “Ogoat” (yogurt) and is champion of finding and removing every bit of whatever she doesn’t like (blueberries in her blueberry yogurt for example) and has amazing precision with throwing “uckies” at whoever put the offending article on her plate.

She has a quirky laugh and a silly smile and is just in general a happy little girl who likes to get dirty and  be a part of everything going on.


Sadie is well… a master ecaper and master food stealer… master of chasing away nightmares and giving warm cuddles when needed. Her fur absorbs tears better than any blanket could and her bursts of energy elicit more giggles than just about anything else in this house does.

So that’s about all from our frozen little world right now. More to come. promise.

Oh and p.s. FlashImage Photography is my friend Shawna Benson’s photography business. We’ve been entrusting her with capturing our family photos for the past 5 years and it is my one thing I will never regret. Making sure we get pictures taken of all of us 1 time a year has been invaluable. check her out !         http://flashimagephotography.com/

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